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Sunday 7 October 2012

We finished painting the plough...

Hello Howards Messieurs FANS,

We have finished painting the plough today, sadly it is only Black as we dont yet know the official colours of the Howards Messieurs ploughs but here is the end result.

For those of you not blessed with the art of X-RAY vision we have even painted the underside of the plough and seen that the normally adjustable toe of the blade is completely seized, we did however expect this.
sadly its not the type of seized that means you call you your mate "Put the kettle on" and then pour it over as it might not even shift with an Oxyacetylene Torch. 

I still haven't managed to get to the Bedford Archives but I am still planning the little excursion to once and for all find out the colours that the plough would have been.

"Oh before I forget our friend Ron has emailed me, he has finished taking his plough apart and sadly he found no paint flecks under any bolts. Its not a total loss though as we can tell from this that the ploughs would have been painted AFTER assembly rather that before"

As a footnote to this I am wondering if the colours for the Howards Messieurs ploughs were indeed as I have herd rumors of, a deep blue and red. I am thinking this as I know as a fact that Howards Messieurs took over Ransoms (or vice versa). 

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