Donate to help with the research

Saturday 5 January 2013

New Year update

Well folks its another year on and we are hitting hard times at the moment so I have added a "Paypal Donate" button so we can do more research  sadly there is less and less we can do free from our Hampshire base of operations so I ask you to donate whatever you can so we can do things like check online archives which sadly costs money to do.
We will be trying to find as much out in the new year as possible but we are coming up against a wall at the moment, Our plans for this year are the Great Dorset Steam Fair in the summer and maybe the Bedfordshire Steam And Country Fair if we are lucky, there is an engine that was made by Howards that usually turns up apparently so I hope to be taking some photos of that, I should be free around then as the course I am currently on finishes this July so I will try my best to attend.
Anyway I am now back online from Christmas and hope to be keeping you up to date on the restoration of the plough so look forward to some pictures and maybe some feeds.

All that remains for me to say is Happy new year and if you have any photos or information send it in to my Email (we will include your name if unless you say otherwise)

Cameron and Christopher

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